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Yaesu FTX-1F HF/50/144/430Mhz All Mode

Το νέο φορητό ραδιόφωνο όλων των λειτουργιών Yaesu FTX-1F 10W (6W με μπαταρία) HF/50/144/430MHz.

Ο νέος FTX-1F είναι ένας φορητός πομποδέκτης που χρησιμοποιεί τεχνολογία SDR και παρέχει ισχύ 6W με τη μπαταρία ιόντων λιθίου 5670mAh (επιτρέποντας 9 ώρες αυτόνομης λειτουργίας στις μπάντες HF, λειτουργία SSB και 8 ώρες χρόνο λειτουργίας στο V /Ζώνες UHF, λειτουργία FM- βασισμένη σε κύκλο λειτουργίας 6-6-48). Διατίθεται ισχύς εξόδου έως και 10 W όταν χρησιμοποιείτε εξωτερική πηγή τροφοδοσίας.
Ορισμένα από τα βασικά και αξιοσημείωτα χαρακτηριστικά του νέου FTX-1F είναι:
Allmode SSB, CW, AM, FM και C4FM
Τεχνολογία SDR και 3DSS (3-διάστατο φάσμα) σε έγχρωμη οθόνη αφής 4,3 ιντσών υψηλής ανάλυσης
Δύο ανεξάρτητα κυκλώματα δέκτη παρέχουν πραγματική ταυτόχρονη λειτουργία διπλής ζώνης, είτε στην ίδια ζώνη είτε σε διαφορετικές μπάντες.
Για παράδειγμα: Επικοινωνία SSB στη ζώνη HF ταυτόχρονα με ψηφιακή επικοινωνία C4FM σε ζώνη V/UHF (*HF+V, HF+U, V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V
Δύο ηχεία εξασφαλίζουν καθαρή και ισχυρή έξοδο ήχου
Ένας προαιρετικός αυτόματος δέκτης κεραίας μπορεί να συνδεθεί στο πίσω μέρος του πομποδέκτη με μπαταρία Li-ion υψηλής χωρητικότητας 5670 mAh

Ο προαιρετικός ανεμιστήρας ψύξης, απαραίτητος για άνετη λειτουργία FT8, μπορεί επίσης να συνδυαστεί με τον δέκτη κεραίας. (Σχέδιο all-in-one στο πίσω μέρος)
Ταλαντωτής αναφοράς μπροστινού άκρου ραδιοσυχνοτήτων και χαμηλού θορύβου, επιτρέποντας εκπληκτικά χαρακτηριστικά λήψης πολλαπλών σημάτων
Η αποτελεσματική απόρριψη QRM παρέχεται μέσω IF DSP υψηλής ταχύτητας 32-bit (το γνωστό σύστημα μείωσης παρεμβολών της YAESU: SHIFT / WIDTH / NOTCH / CONTROUR / APF / DNR / NB
Συμβατό με λειτουργία WiRES-X
Η λειτουργία PMG (Primary Memory Group) μπορεί να καταχωρήσει και να παρακολουθήσει έως και 5 συχνότητες που χρησιμοποιούνται συχνά.
Η λειτουργία MAG (Αυτόματη ομαδοποίηση μνήμης) επιτρέπει την κατηγοριοποίηση των καναλιών μνήμης σε κάθε ζώνη, η οποία μπορεί να ανακληθεί γρήγορα από ομάδες μπάντας (HF/VHF/UHF/AIR/OTHERS)
Οι θύρες USB υποστηρίζουν λειτουργία CAT, είσοδο/έξοδο ήχου και έλεγχο TX

Yaesu FTM-500DE 144/430Mhz

We are pleased to announce the NEW Yaesu FTM-500D! 50W,


‐ Front Speaker, with AESS Dual Speaker System, Delivers Clear and High‐fidelity Audio
  (AESS: Acoustic Enhanced Speaker System)
‐ Total 9W (3W: Internal / 6W: Front panel) of Powerful Audio Output
‐ Innovative Smart Operating System "E2O‐IV" with Touch & Go / Search & Go Functions
  (E2O: Easy to Operate‐IV)
‐ 144MHz/430MHz: C4FM Digital / FM / AM (Air Band Receive)
‐ True Dual Band Operation, C4FM/C4FM Digital D‐D Dual Receive
‐ Advanced C4FM Digital Mode with AMS (Automatic Mode Select), DG‐ID feature and Smart Navigation
‐ 2.4‐inch High‐Resolution Full‐Colour Touch‐panel Display and Demountable Front Panel Controller
‐ Swing‐Head construction of the Front Panel improves display visibility: 20 degree upwards panel angle is     possible
‐ Optional Swing‐head Kit (SJMK‐500) allows the Flexible angle adjustment of the Front Control Panel
‐ Customized Function List (CFL) Display allows checking and immediately executing priority functions.
  (Up to 8 functions or settings from the set‐up menu can be registered.)
‐ MAG (Memory Auto Grouping) Function allows Memory channels to be automatically categorized in ALL, AIR     band, VHF band, UHF band and OTHER.
‐ VFO Band Skip Function
‐ Memory Channel Data Transfer to the VFO Register
‐ Single‐Touch Spectrum scope function: Instantly switches the operating screen between "Scope display     operation" and "Dual Receive operation" while in MAIN channel operation
‐ High speed Band Scope function
*up to 61 channels centered on the current frequency displayed in VFO mode and up to 21 channels of signal     information in memory channel mode
‐ 1104 Memory Channels including 5 "Home" channels, 50 sets of memories for programmable memory scan and 999 "Basic" memories.
‐ Built‐in 66ch High precision GPS receiver and External GPS device connectivity,
‐ 1200/9600bps APRS® Data Communication
‐ Wireless Operation Capability with a Bluetooth® Headset
‐ WiRES‐X Portable Digital Node or HRI‐200 Fixed Node capability
‐ Voice Recording of the received and transmitted audio
‐ 50W Stable High‐Power with Heavy Duty Heat Sin



Ο πομποδέκτης FTM-500DE με ισχύ 50W και αναλογική και ψηφιακή διαμόρφωση C4FM/FM καλύπτει τις ζώνες 144/430 MHz. Το FTM-500DE μοιράζεται τα προηγμένα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της YAESU και χρησιμοποιεί την τελευταία τεχνολογία C4FM Digital.

Διαθέτει μπροστινό μεγάφωνο με σύστημα διπλών ηχείων AESS* (AESS: Ακουστικό βελτιωμένο σύστημα ηχείων).

Ο ήχος του είναι καθαρός και ισχυρός ήχος υψηλής πιστότητας 9W, που παρέχεται από το μπροστινό μεγάφωνο 6W και το εσωτερικό ηχείο της κύριας μονάδας 3W.

To E2O-IV που διαθέτει είναι το καινοτόμο, έξυπνο λειτουργικό σύστημα με λειτουργίες TOUCH&GO / SEARCH&GO / PMG**.
**(PMG: Έλεγχος κύριας ομάδας μνήμης)

     Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά

  • 144 MHz, 430 MHz C4FM Ψηφιακό / FM / AM (Λήψη airband)
  • Πραγματική λειτουργία Dual Band, C4FM/C4FM Digital D-D Dual Receive
  • Προηγμένη ψηφιακή λειτουργία C4FM με AMS (Αυτόματη επιλογή λειτουργίας), δυνατότητα DG-ID και Έξυπνη πλοήγηση
  • Έγχρωμη αποσπώμενη οθόνη αφής 2,4 ιντσών υψηλής ανάλυσης
  • Ο οθόνη είναι ρυθμιζόμενης γωνίας θέασης που βελτιώνει την ορατότητα της
  • Λειτουργία απεικόνισης εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με το ακουστικό Bluetooth®Το προαιρετικό κιτ κεφαλής κεφαλής (SJMK-500) επιτρέπει την ευέλικτη ρύθμιση γωνίας του μπροστινού πίνακα ελέγχου
  • Η οθόνη προσαρμοσμένης λίστας λειτουργιών (CFL) επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο και την άμεση εκτέλεση λειτουργιών προτεραιότητας. (Μπορούν να καταχωρηθούν έως και 8 λειτουργίες ή ρυθμίσεις από το μενού ρυθμίσεων.)
  • Η λειτουργία MAG (Αυτόματη ομαδοποίηση μνήμης) επιτρέπει στα κανάλια μνήμης να κατηγοριοποιούνται αυτόματα σε ALL, ζώνη AIR, ζώνη VHF, ζώνη UHF και άλλα.
  • Λειτουργία παράλειψης ζώνης VFO
  • Μεταφορά δεδομένων καναλιού μνήμης στο VFO
  • Λειτουργία εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα: Εναλλάσσει άμεσα την οθόνη λειτουργίας μεταξύ "Λειτουργία εμφάνισης εύρους" και "Λειτουργία διπλής λήψης" ενώ βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία ΚΥΡΙΟΥ καναλιού
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας. Εμφανίζει έως 61 κανάλια με κέντρο την τρέχουσα συχνότητα που εμφανίζεται στη λειτουργία VFO και έως 21 κανάλια πληροφοριών σήματος στη λειτουργία καναλιού μνήμης
  • 1104 κανάλια μνήμης, συμπεριλαμβανομένων 5 καναλιών "Home", 50 σετ μνήμες για προγραμματιζόμενη σάρωση μνήμης και 999 "Βασικές" μνήμες.
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS,
  • Επικοινωνία δεδομένων APRS® 1200/9600bps
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με ακουστικό Bluetooth®
  • Δυνατότητα φορητού ψηφιακού κόμβου WiRES-X ή σταθερού κόμβου HRI-200
  • Ηχογράφηση φωνής του λαμβανόμενου και μεταδιδόμενου ήχου
  • 50W σταθερή υψηλής ισχύος με ψύκτρα βαρέως τύπου και FACC (Funnel Air-Convection Conductor) *Επιλέξιμο 50W / 25W / 5W
  • Υποδοχή κάρτας Micro SD (έως 32 GB)


Icom IC-705 is a brand new SDR QRP for HF/50/144/430MHz

It can be powered by battery (BP-272 same as e.g. ID-51) & gives a maximum of 5W, in external operation (13.8v) the radio gives max 10W.
Size 20cm wide, 8cm high & 8.5cm deep, weight about 1kg without battery.

HF/50/144/430 MHz Multimode Operation
From HF to 50/144/430 MHz, you can enjoy a variety of bands in D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, AM and FM modes. The IC-705 receives continuously from 30 kHz through the 144 MHz band. You can also enjoy FM broadcast and Airband reception.

RF Direct Sampling System
The IC-705 uses the RF direct sampling method* matured in the IC-7300, IC-7610, and IC-9700. This method greatly reduces distortion. The high speed /high resolution real-time spectrum scope and waterfall display are incorporated in a compact design for the first time in this class.
* Down-conversion IF sampling method for 25 MHz and above

Real-Time Spectrum Scope and Waterfall Display
The IC-705 inherits the performance and functions of the highly-acclaimed IC-7300 and IC-9700 scopes. You can visually figure out the band condition and check clear frequencies. It takes you to the next level beyond traditional field operation.

Large Touch Screen Colour Display
The large 4.3 inch colour TFT touch LCD is the same size as the IC-7300 and IC-9700. It offers intuitive operation of the IC-705’s functions, settings, and various operational visual aids, such as the band scope, waterfall, and audio scope functions.

Compact and Lightweight Design
“Base station radio” performance and functions are packaged in a compact size of approximately 20 cm, 7.9 in (W) × 8.35 cm, 3.3 in (H) × 8.2 cm, 3.2 in (D). The weight is approximately 1.1 kg (including BP-272). Its compact and lightweight design enables you to hold it with one hand.

BP-272 Li-ion Battery Pack or 13.8 V DC External Power Supply
The IC-705 utilises the high capacity Li-Ion battery from the ID-51A and ID-31A handheld radios. A 13.8 V DC external power supply can be used for operation and charging of the BP-272.

Maximum Output Power 5 W (BP-272), 10 W (13.8 V DC)

In portable mode, the IC-705 has a maximum output power of 5 W from the BP-272 which can last approx. 3 hours*. This is perfect for true 5 W QRP as well as the 0.5 W QRPp operations. Once you setup with a 13.8 V DC power source, you have up to 10 W.
* TX : RX : standby = 1 : 1 : 8 (The Power Save function ON, in the FM mode)

Supports Connections Using WLAN/Bluetooth® Technologies
Utilises WLAN/Bluetooth® technologies for linking and remote control*. The VS-3 headset (optional) enables more comfortable operation via Bluetooth®
* Those features will be available with future firmware upgrades.

GPS Functions
An internal GPS receiver and antenna enhance your operations by providing location logging*, RX/TX locations via D-PRS®, “Near Me” repeater search/scan, QSO recording with metadata*, and internal clock synchronization.
* Micro SD required

microSD Card Slot
The microSD card slot enables the storage of user-profiles, QSO recording, TX voice memory keyer, RTTY logging, GPS data, screen capture, firmware upgrades, and programming.
* microSD card is not supplied.

Micro USB Connector
In addition to audio and rig control, the micro USB port allows charging capability, making digital modes easy with minimal cables.

D-STAR Functions
Enjoy the latest G3 Gateway and DV mode features with the IC-705. Have direct access to the D-STAR network with Terminal/Access point modes. Additionally, the IC-705 has the Photo Share feature introduced with the IC-9700. Share photos, without the need of a computer with other users with an IC-705 and IC-9700.

Programmable Speaker/Microphone

Enjoy portable operations with the supplied HM-243, programmable speaker/microphone. Perfect for operation with the IC-705 safely secured in the optional LC-192 backpack. User assignable buttons put functions like frequency and volume adjustments at the tip of your fingers, without removing your backpack.

Optional LC-192 Backpack, Ideal for Field Operations
Designed to be the "Ultimate", must have accessory for the IC-705, the LC-192 is the perfect utility backpack. Features like a safety strap, with a 1/4”-20 mounting lug to keep the IC-705 from accidentally falling out of the custom radio compartment to the user-adjustable internal panels for custom compartments for antennas, battery packs, or other items necessary for an afternoon SOTA activation.


  • HF/50/144/430 MHz Multimode Operation
  • RF Direct Sampling System
  • Real-Time Spectrum Scope and Waterfall Display
  • Large Touch Screen Colour Display
  • Compact and Lightweight Design
  • BP-272 Li-ion Battery Pack or 13.8 V DC External Power Supply
  • Maximum Output Power 5 W (BP-272), 10 W (13.8 V DC)
  • Supports Connections Using WLAN/Bluetooth® Technologies
  • GPS Functions
  • microSD Card Slot
  • Micro USB Connector
  • D-STAR Functions
  • Programmable Speaker/Microphone
  • Optional LC-192 Backpack, Ideal for Field Operations


Από HF έως 50/144/430 MHz, μπορείτε να απολαύσετε μια ποικιλία ζωνών σε λειτουργίες D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM και FM. Το IC-705 λαμβάνει συνεχώς από τη ζώνη των 30 kHz έως τα 144 MHz. Μπορείτε επίσης να απολαύσετε εκπομπές FM και over-the-air λήψη. 

Το IC-705 χρησιμοποιεί ένα σύστημα άμεσης δειγματοληψίας RF, όπου τα σήματα RF μετατρέπονται απευθείας σε ψηφιακά δεδομένα. Στη συνέχεια υποβάλλεται σε επεξεργασία στο FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), το οποίο καθιστά δυνατή την απλοποίηση του σχεδιασμού του κυκλώματος και τη μείωση του εσωτερικού θορύβου που μπορεί να κρύψει τα ασθενή σήματα. 

Οι επιδόσεις που παρατηρούνται με τα πεδία IC-7300 και IC-9700 είναι στο άκρο των δακτύλων για λειτουργία πεδίου. Μπορείτε να δείτε γρήγορα τη δραστηριότητα της ζώνης καθώς και να βρείτε μια καθαρή συχνότητα, όλα στο συμπαγές ραδιόφωνο και όχι ως ακριβό πρόσθετο. 

Χρησιμοποιεί την μπαταρία Li-ion υψηλής χωρητικότητας από τα φορητά ραδιόφωνα ID-51E και ID-31E. 
Μια εξωτερική πηγή τροφοδοσίας 13,8 V DC μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη λειτουργία και τη φόρτιση του BP-307. 

Σε φορητή λειτουργία, το IC-705 έχει τη μέγιστη ισχύ εξόδου 5 W από το BP-307, η οποία μπορεί να διαρκέσει περίπου 4,5 ώρες*. Αυτό είναι τέλειο για αληθινή λειτουργία QRP 5W καθώς και για λειτουργία QRPp 0,5W. Μόλις εγκατασταθεί με πηγή τροφοδοσίας 13,8 V DC, έχετε έως και 10 W.


M17 on your Pi-Star

M17 is one of the most exciting things happening on

But first, if you are not familiar with M17, here is the definition from the project website:

M17 is a new digital radio protocol in development as an alternative to those currently available, with freedom in mind. Freedom in the code, protocol, voice codecs, and hardware. The goal is to provide a better option for digital radios in the future.

I’ve started working on the M17 Project; my involvement started with the OpenRTX project, but I contributed to other projects inside the M17 world, as it should be in a healthy open-source ecosystem.

Howto patch your Pi-Star

The Pi-Star upgrade system relies on Git, so I wrote a little script that points the upgrading system to my M17 branches.

The script will modify the dashboard, /usr/local/bin, and /usr/local/sbin. It may fail if you have modifications to these places, so please revert to a stock pi-star before proceeding.

To patch your pi-star, connect with ssh and run the following command.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nolith/Pi-Star_Binaries_sbin/M17/pistar-install-m17 | sudo bash -

This script will update the binaries and the dashboard to support M17. It will add a new m17gateway service and the necessary firewall rules.

To successfully run M17Gateway, your MMDVM modem or HotSpot hat needs a firmware update. For the hotspot, you need at least v1.6.0; for the modem, instead, compile it from the master branch.

Beware that the MMDVMHost included in this patch is backward compatible with the previous version, but the stock binary included with pi-star isn’t forward compatible; you need to downgrade your firmware before uninstalling the M17 patch.

Now that we have a supported firmware it is time to enable the M17 mode from the configuration dashboard.


Enabling it will generate a configuration file in /etc/m17gateway; it is possible to edit it with the full editor available under the expert configuration page.

If you only care about the startup reflector, it is possible to change it from the regular configuration page.

The first M17 QSO

Now you are all set; it’s time to test your M17 enabled pi-star.

This is how the dashboard looks like when you have M17 enabled.

There are several options to test this setup. I’ll briefly cover some of them, starting with the option that requires no radio at all.

DroidStar over Internet

DroidStar implements M17 both TX and RX. You can install it on Android, join the iOS app beta, or compile it and run on your computer.

If you connect DroidStar and Pi-Star to the same reflector it will be possible to see the transmissions on the dashboard (and on the hotspot display).

If you have an rtl-srd device, it will be possible to decode the M17 traffic using SDR++.

DroidStar transceiver

With an MMDVM HotSpot board, an USB to TTL adapter, and on USB On The Go (OTG) cable it is possible to turn your Android device into an M17 transceiver using only RF, without internet access.

More details on this experiment are available on the M1HOG wiki.


M17Client is yet another great piece of software from G4KLX. It’s a client designed for use with MMDVM modems and hotspots to allow for use as an M17 radio. This requires access to an M17 capable MMDVM modem or hotspot and of course a suitable radio if using the modem version.

Here is a short video where I’m testing my QSY pull request.


OpenRTX is a Free and Open Source Firmware for Digital Ham Radios, at the time of writing it only supports M17 TX but no RX.

It requires hardware modifications and you can read how much fun Michael DL6MHC had with this in his blog post.

Mobilinkd TNC3

If you have a 9600-baud capable radio, a Mobilinkd TNC3, and an Android device, then you can follow the Mobilinkd M17 Setup Guide from WX9O.

Why I’ve done all of this?

I was building an M17 hotspot from scratch, and once I got all the binaries ready, I realized how many features come for free in pi-star.

After studying the pi-star upgrade system, I decided to patch it to support M17. So I shared my learning on the M17 Discord server, and other hams started using it, reporting bugs, writing articles.

It was no longer only my script, others were using it, so I decided to upstream my changes hoping to have them as part of the standard pi-star distribution.

So I opened a pull request for the dashboard and one for /usr/local/sbin in the hope that we can start a conversation about what is missing to bring M17 to all pi-star users.

73 de IU5BON



YAESU FT-5DE Release

FT5DE – 5W C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual Band Digital Transceiver


FT5DE pr13364 1*New Yaesu radio launch 16/8/21** The new rugged FT-5DE transceiver from Yaesu!!!

Released August 2021

The new FT5DR/E is a full-featured C4FM handheld transceiver with superior operability and new sophisticated functions.

Even in a compact body (W62mm x D34mm x H100mm), the FT5DR/E provides reliable 5W RF power output and achieves loud 1W audio power that has been tuned for quality audio. Real Dual Band Operations (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V) are available with two independent receivers. Large individual LED indicators for A band and B band present the status and communication modes (C4FM or Analog) of each band instantly. The new FT5DR/E supports simultaneous C4FM digital (C4FM/C4FM standby).

With rubber protection on the corner of the main body, the FT5DR/E has rugged and shock-resistant construction. The waterproof rating is IPX7. The comfortable size and form of the full-flat back body provides excellent grasp for the radio operator.

A high-resolution display highlights the frequency of the operational band. The color of the operating band frequency can be selected from white, blue or red. Three (3) touch panel keys and seven (7) operation keys below the display offer intuitive operability.

The new TOUCH & GO operation is convenient in order to immediately start the communications on an often-used frequency. By pressing and holding the “PMG” key, the frequency of the current display is registered into Primary Memory Group. After registration, pressing the “PMG” key will display the receive status of the registered frequencies as bars on a graph (activity monitor). By simply touching the displayed bar, the user can instantly recall that frequency. (TOUCH & GO Operation)

Band Scope function monitors in real time, up to 79 displayed channels that are centered around the current VFO frequency. The center frequency can be tuned by the dial knob or by touching and moving the frequency of a displayed channel bar.

The C4FM digital communication features which are already popular in the market, such as: Automatic Mode Select (AMS), Digital Group ID (DG-ID) operation, and Smart Navigation function are available with the new FT5DR/E. The FT5DR/E supports the WiRES-X Portable Digital Node Function as well. A portable digital node can be easily set up with the new FT5DR/E, an internet connected laptop PC, and the optional SCU-39 cable kit Plus advanced features of the new FT5DR/E are: Wireless hands-free operation using the optional Bluetooth® headset (SSM-BT10); VOX function; Memory Auto Grouping (MAG); VFO Band Skip Function; Wide-range RX coverage with continuous reception from 0.5MHz–999.99MHz (A Band) & 108MHz–580MHz (B Band); Built-in high-sensitivity 66 channel GPS receiver; 1200/9600bps APRS Data modem; 2,200mAh High-Capacity Li-ion Battery Pack (SBR-14LI) as standard; Voice Recording Function; Simultaneous AM/FM broadcast Reception while monitoring two frequency channels; Micro SD Card Slot.

Radio Features:
– Compact Design and Reliable 5W RF Power Output (Selectable 5W / 2.5W / 1W / 0.3W)
– High Visibility Full-Color TFT Touch panel Display (*The color of the operating frequency may be selected from White, Blue or Red.)
– Dual band Simultaneous Receive (V+V / U+U / V+U / U+V) & C4FM/C4FM Standby – Advanced C4FM Digital Mode with AMS (Automatic Mode Select), DG-ID feature and Smart Navigation
– 1W (1000mW) of loud audio power with C4FM clear and crisp audio quality – Rugged Construction: Robust Rubber Protection / IPX7 Rating Water Protection
– TOUCH & GO Operation with Activity Monitor
     ・PMG (Primary Memory Group Activity Monitor)
     ・CAM (CH Activity Monitor)
– VFO Band Skip Function
– Memory Auto Grouping (MAG) Function
– High Speed Band Scope Function enables monitoring up to 79ch centered on the current VFO frequency (Selectable 79 / 39 / 19ch)
– Full-Flat back body provides excellent grasp / Quick Release Holster(SHB-26BK) Included
– Built-in 66ch High-Sensitivity GPS Receiver
– Built-in Bluetooth® unit and the VOX function support wierless and easy Hands-free operation
– WIRES-X Portable Digital Node compatible
– Dual Simultaneos AM/FM Broadcast Reception and 2-channel Monitoring
– 1200/9600bps APRS® Data Communication
– Recording Function
– Micro SD Card Slot (up to 32GB)

Supplied Accessories: Antenna 7.2 V 2,200mAh Li-ion Battery Pack (SBR-14LI) Battery Charger (SAD-25) Belt Clip (SHB-13) / Quick Release Holster (SHB-26(BK)) USB Cable Operating Manual Specifications: Frequency Ranges: A(Main) Band RX: 0.5 – 1.8MHz (AM Broadcast) 1.8 – 30MHz (SW Band) 30 – 76MHz 76 – 108MHz (FM Broadcast) 108 – 137MHz (Air Band) 137 – 174MHz (144MHz HAM) 174 – 222MHz 222 – 420MHz 420 – 470MHz (430MHz HAM) 470 – 800MHz 800 – 999.995MHz (USA Cellular Blocked) B(Sub) Band RX: 108 – 137MHz (Air Band) 137 – 174MHz (144MHz HAM) 174 – 222MHz 222 – 420MHz 420 – 470MHz (430MHz HAM) 470 – 580MHz TX: 144 – 146MHz (C4FM/FM) 430 – 440MHz (C4FM/FM) Circuit Type: NFM/AM: Double-Conversion Superheterodyne FM/AM Radio: Direct-Conversion Modulation Type: F1D, F2D, F3E, F7W RF Power Output: 5W / 2.5W / 1W / 0.3W (@ Battery pack or EXT DC) Case Size(W x H x D): 2.44″ x 3.94″ x 1.34″ (62 x 100 x 34 mm) (with SBR-14LI, w/o Knob & Antenna) Weight: 9.95oz (282 g) (with SBR-14LI and Antenna)


Best setting for SSB Modes on the Yaesu FT-991A

There are a few adjustments you can make to the

Υπάρχουν μερικές προσαρμογές που μπορείτε να κάνετε στις ρυθμίσεις και τις λειτουργίες του μενού, μαζί με «σκληρές» προσαρμογές στα κουμπιά στο μπροστινό μέρος του FT-991A που θα βελτιώσουν τις λήψεις σήματος SSB.



00:01 Intro (Hey Y’all)

01:16 Menu Settings

05:40 Function Settings

13:20 Gnarly Knobs (AF Gain, RF Gain, Clarifier)

20:11 Summary and End-Notes



Setting Summary

 – In order shown in video… 


Menu Settings


001: 300 mS*

002: 700 mS*

003: 3000 mS*


* Factory Defaults – Recommend Keeping


023: 2 mS

024: 30 dB

025: 5



102: 100 Hz

103: 6 dB/oct

104: 3000 Hz

105: 6 dB/oct


Heavy traffic (Contest, DX Pile-up, etc.)

102: 400Hz

103: 18 dB/oct

104: 2400 Hz

105: 18 dB/oct


112: -15

113: 10

114: Wide


115-118: Adjust for preferred display


Function Menu:






NOTCH: OFF if not needed









IC-9700 MOD - Frequency modification!

Icom IC-9700 frequency modification, only works on European models! The modification

That means 2 MHz extra from 146-148 MHz (which is a welcome modification for UK users since they have temporarily access to 146-147 MHz) and extension from 440-450 MHz.

No wideband or MARS/CAP modification available yet. I guess the diodes can be found in the front.

Removing 2 diodes: D332 and D326


IC 9700 freqmodIcom IC 9700 01a



























Icom IC 9700 02aIcom IC 9700 05a


IC-9700 in D-Star DV Internal Terminal mode

Using the new Icom IC-9700 in D-Star DV Internal Terminal mode and connecting to the multi-protocol XLX122 B reflector. Radio

IC-9700 in D-Star DV Internal Terminal mode

The IC-9700 is a very feature rich radio. One feature it has is the ability to make pure IP connections via the built-in ethernet port and connecting to gateways running G3 software from Icom and/or reflectors running “open software”. This is a short guide on connecting to an open reflector XLX130 B.

Connect up the ethernet port on the IC-9700 to your home network and make sure it gets an IP address. The address should be a static address since you will need to open up UDP port 40000 for port forwarding from the Internet to the IP address of the IC-9700 on you local network.

The best way to do this is to login to your router/gateway box set up a static entry in the DHCP pool using the MAC address of the IC-9700, you can find that in the information location in the menu – this way when you power on the IC-9700 and it requests an IP address using DHCP from your home router it will always get the same IP address.

In the IC-9700 some things need to be setup – here is a short video on what those settings are: (Validate the network, make sure My Station is setup, set up DV Gateway)

Setup IC-9700 Internal Terminal Mode 

I am linking to reflector XLX130 module B. This reflector is capable of linking D-Star.

This means you can have a Digital  QSO with  TG 20207  you can get the status from the dashboard of the reflector – http://xlxzone.net Look under users/Modules for your call sign and then under Repeaters / Nodes

Setting up the router (optional but recommended):

Here the procedure changes between the different versions / models of your home modem, but the step is similar, go to the "Port Forwarding" tab and enter the same IP address set at the beginning in the radio and the number as internal and external port 40000, we have to choose UDP as the protocol



Vocoder Plugin for DroidStar

This is an AMBE vocoder plugin based on mbelib and the OP25 AMBE encoder. The makefiles create a shared object


All platforms require imbe_vocoder library be built and available for the platform being built. The default Makefile is for a Linux PC. MacOS can also use this file, just comment out the linux line and use the darwin line. The Makefile.win for windows requires a static mingw32 compiler.


Location: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/

There are currently builds available for the following platforms:

  • Linux 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.linux.x86_64
  • Linux 32bit ARM platform (RaspiOS/Raspbian/etc): vocoder_plugin.linux.arm
  • MacOS 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.darwin.x86_64
  • Windows 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.winnt.x86_64
  • Android 32-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm
  • Android 64-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm64

Even though most RPis are arm64 architecture, the mainstream OS's are still 32 bit.

Loading a plugin on an Android device

  • Visit the following link in your web browser: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/
  • Press and hold the plugin for your device (arm or arm64)
  • Select 'Copy link address' from the popup menu
  • Open DroidStar and press and hold in the Vocoder URL field to paste the address
  • Press 'Download vocoder'

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS/Windows

You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you start DroidStar. You can also use the URL download option, but if a vocoder exists in the Download location, it will always overwrite the working copy


Windows 11 ISO απο το uupdump.net

Πως κατεβάζουμε το Windows 11 ISO χωρίς να μπλέκεις με το πρόγραμμα Windows Insider

 Το UUP Dump είναι ο πιο πρακτικός και εύκολος τρόπος να πάρουμε ISO αρχεία, από οποιαδήποτε Insider Windows 10 ή Windows 11 έκδοση, αρκεί η Microsoft να την έχει διαθέσει.

Θα πρέπει να σημειώσουμε, ότι δεν χρειάζεται να γίνεις μέλος του Windows Insider προγράμματος για να κατεβάσεις και να εγκαταστήσεις Insider builds.

Μπορείς να κατεβάσεις πολύ εύκολα και να εγκαταστήσεις οποιαδήποτε Insider build από το UUP Dump και όταν υπάρξει μια Insider build upgrader έκδοση να την κατεβάσεις και να αναβαθμίσεις την εγκατάσταση.

  • Αρχικά θα πρέπει να μεταβούμε στο https://uupdump.net/
  • Στη συνέχεια θα πρέπει να επιλέξουμε το Insider channel και την προτιμώμενη αρχιτεκτονική. Σημειώστε, ότι τα Windows 11 μέχρι και τη στιγμή που γράφεται το άρθρο, είναι διαθέσιμα μόνο στο
  • Dev Channel, ενώ δεν υπάρχει 32 bit έκδοση, αφού επιλέξουμε την 64bit έκδοση του Dev channel θα μας βγάλει την έκδοση Cumulative Update for Windows 11 (10.0.22000.51) που είναι και το αρχείο που μας ενδιαφέρει αυτή τη στιμή.
  • Το επιλέγεις και στη συνέχεια θα κληθείς να επιλέξεις την γλώσσα και τέλος την έκδοση ή τις εκδόσεις που θα συμπεριληφθούν στο ISO. Προτείνουμε να επιλέξεις τα Home και Pro. Και τέλος, επιλέγουμε το Download and Convert to ISO ενώ θα πρέπει να επιλέξεις και στην ενότητα των Conversion options το Include Updates, για να κατεβάσει και τις ενημερώσεις που έχει κυκλοφορήσει η Microsoft μέχρι τώρα.

Μόλις ακολουθήσεις αυτά τα βήματα, και πατήσεις Create download package, θα κατέβει στο PC σου ένα zip. Κάνεις δεξί κλικ πάνω σε αυτό, πιέζεις properties και πατάς στο Unblock. Ξανά επιλέγεις δεξί κλικ και Extract all, για να το αποσυμπιέσεις. Μόλις θα κάνεις αποσυμπίεση, θα δεις έναν φάκελο και μέσα σε αυτό ένα αρχείο uup_download_windows.cmd το οποίο και θα πρέπει να τρέξουμε.

Από εκεί και πέρα αναλαμβάνει δουλειά το PC σου να κατεβάσει τα αρχεία και να δημιουργήσει το ISO για να μπορέσεις μετά εσύ να προβείς σε καθαρή εγκατάσταση των Windows 11. Θα χρειαστεί κάποια ώρα ακόμη και σε δυνατά laptops, οπότε μην σε ανησυχείς καθόλου. Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η διαδικασία, θα δεις το νέο ISO στο φάκελο που έκανες extract το zip παραπάνω.


HAM Fest Friedrichshafen JUNE 24-26, 2022

The HAM RADIO event held at the Messe Friedrichshafen is Europe's largest ham radio event.

HAM RADIO brings together amateur radio enthusiasts from all over the world, and with attendance figures of around 17 000 people each year.

Alongside all the visitors there were around 200 exhibitors from over 30 countries and it hosts Europe’s largest professional amateur radio flea market often with around 330 participants.

The event provided an excellent opportunity to visit the exhibition where any amateur radio equipment available could be found and seen. Everything from main station amateur radio equipment to ancillary items and books to software, stationery to  . . . well anything associated with amateur radio and beyond.

In addition to this the lecture stream brought together many experts in their fields enabling people who attended the event to keep up with the latest technologies and news relevant to amateur radio.

Running in parallel with the HAM RADIO event there is also the MAKER FAIRE BODENSEE, so to provides the opportunity to see another electronic hobby while you are there.

24 Jun - 26 Jun 2022
Messe Friedrichshafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Messe Friedrichshafen

Neue Messe 1. 88046 Friedrichshafen, Germany 
Phone +49 7541 708-5887
Fax +49 7541 708-110
Coordinates: 47.67827 , 9.5073

New Firmware Versions for ICOM IC-7300, 9700, 705

New Firmware Versions for ICOM IC-7300 - ICOM IC-9700 -ICOM IC-705

 New Firmware Version 1.41 for ICOM IC-7300

  • After updating the firmware, the Version Information in the OTHERS Set will be as follows.
  • Main CPU: 1.41
  • DSP Program: 1.07
  • DSP Data: 1.00
  • FPGA: 1.13

New Firmware Version 1.31 for ICOM IC-9700

  • After updating the firmware, the Version Information in the OTHERS Set will be as follows.
  • Main CPU: 1.31
  • Sub CPU: 1.00
  • Front CPU: 1.00
  • FPGA Program: 1.07
  • FPGA Data: 1.00
  • DV DSP: 1.06

New Firmware Version 1.26 for ICOM IC-705

  • After updating the firmware, the Version Information in the OTHERS Set will be as follows.
  • Main CPU: 1.26
  • Sub CPU: 1.01
  • DSP Program: 1.11
  • DSP Data: 1.00
  • FPGA: 1.01
  • DV DSP: 1.02
  • GPS: 13196
  • Bluetooth: 1.12
  • WLAN:

Icom ID-52 First Look!

New Icom Handheld Ha

Look what arrived at my mailbox! This is the Icom ID-52E, the newest Handheld Ham Radio from Icom, which includes DSTAR. Let’s take a look at the features and style of this brand new radio!


Latest WSJT-X Release Includes New Q65 Mode

A new version (2.4.0

According to the release notes, it is designed to accommodate fast-fading signals and paths with Doppler shifts of more than a few Hertz. "Q65 is particularly effective," the notes say, "for tropospheric scatter, rain scatter, ionospheric scatter, TEP (trans-equatorial propagation) and EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) on VHF and higher bands." It uses the same message formats and sequencing as those used in FST4, FT4, FT8 and MSK144. Q65 is one of 11 total modes included in the latest WSJT-X package. For more information or to download the free software, visit. https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html




What is System Fusion?

System Fusion is a d


C4FM stands for Continuous Four Level Frequency Modulation, which is a special type of 4FSK, which is used in conjunction with FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access. FDMA is the same mode that is used in P25 Phase 1 by public service groups, including Emergency Responders, but its not compatible. 

What sets this new technology apart from other digital voice technologies, such as D-STAR, DMR, P25, and NXDN, is its backwards compatibility with analog FM.

Here's a look at bandwidths used by different analog and digital modes, including FDMA:.

Automatic Mode Select

Every Fusion radio and repeater is aware of the current QSO and it's mode, using a feature called Automatic Mode Select. This function instantly recognizes whether the received signal is C4FM digital or conventional FM. The communication mode automatically switches to match the received mode. Even if a digital signal is being used, you can switch to FM communication if radio signals are received from an FM station. This function enables stress-free operation by removing the need to manually switch the communication method each time.

AMS function breaks down into the following operating modes that are fully selectable by the radio user:

  • AUTO: The both RX/ TX mode is automatically selected from one of the four operating modes (DN, VW, DW and FM) to match the characteristics of the received signal. This is the current AMS operation.
  • TX MANUAL: The both RX/ TX mode is automatically selected from four operating modes to match the characteristics of the received signal. And if desired to change the TX mode, by pressing the Microphone PTT switch momentarily, the TX mode switch between DN and FM modes.
  • TX FM FIXED: The RX mode is automatically selected from one of the four operating modes, but the TX mode is fixed to FM.
  • TX DN FIXED: The RX mode is automatically selected from one of the four operating modes, but the TX mode is fixed to the ‘DN’ (Digital Voice Narrow) mode.
  • TX VW FIXED: The RX mode is automatically selected from one of the four operating modes, but the TX mode is fixed to the ‘VW’ (Digital Voice Wide) mode.

System Fusion uses a similar DVSI AMBE DSP chip as used in DMR & P25, but newer than what's used in D-STAR. 

System Fusion's Four Digital Modes

V/D (Digital Narrow) – Voice+Digital or “V/D” mode

Voice FR (VW) Mode – Utilizes all available bandwidth for high-fidelity voice operation, providing the most crystal clear of voice communications.

Highspeed Data 

Transfer data such as images or text messages at full rate with speeds up to 9600 Bits-per-second

Analog FM Mode 

Maintains backwards compatibility with existing Analog FM Equipment, allowing a wide range of users to experiment with System Fusion Digital.
Capabilities such as Automatic Mode Select (AMS) on the DR-1X Repeater allow an even wider range of users to communicate, by running the repeater in “Fixed FM” mode on Transmit, and “Automatic Mode Select” on receive the repeater will automatically detect the incoming signal and convert it to an Analog FM Transmission. This mode allows digital users to communicate with existing Analog FM users without the need to switch their radios into FM Mode, allowing crystal clear Digital reception into the repeater that is converted into a conventional FM Signal.

FT-2DR C4FM 144/430 MHz Dual Band

Digital Handheld Tra

This exciting leading edge Transceiver is designed with ease of use in mind now packing an oversized back-lit touch panel display. At 1.7-inches the high resolution touch screen display provides loads of information through an easily navigable interface, providing stress-free operability and a high level of on-screen visibility for the FT-2DR operator. The advanced FT-2DR is loaded with various new features including: 700 mW of clear loud audio, Built-in High Sensitivity 66 ch GPS with antenna, 1200 bps / 9600 bps APRS® function, Dual watch (V/V, U/U/, V/U), Dual Monitor (C4FM Digital/C4FM Digital), GPS Logging/Recording capabilities, Water resistant (IPX5 Rating), microSD Card Slot, 2200mAh high capacity Li-Ion battery and Battery charger included as a standard supplied accessory.


Analog/C4FM Dual Monitor (V+V/U+U/V+U)

With two independent receivers for both Analog and digital, you can listen to either the same or different bands simultaneously.

Loud Vibrant Audio

With 700mW of Loud, Crisp and Clear audio the FT-2DR is the perfect choice for noisy and crowded environments.

Wide Band Receiver

Covers from 500kHz to 999.990MHz, continuous reception for Short-wave, FM/AM broadcasts, analog TV stations, audio aircraft, public service channels, etc. (Cellular band blocked)

1200/9600bps APRS® Data Communication

The built-in worldwide standard AX.25 Data TNC Modem permits uncomplicated APRS® (Automatic Packet Reporting System) operation. You will be able to display the information, station list; and use the message, SmartBeaconing TM function . You will be able to track your APRS® movement on the Internet websites.

Digital Group Monitor Function

The digital GM function automatically checks whether members registered in a group are within communication range, and displays information such as distance and direction for each call sign on the screen. This convenient function makes it possible not only to see whether any friends are in communication range, but also to instantaneously determines the location and relationship between all members of the group. This function can also be used to send messages and data such as images between members of a group, permitting convenient and fun communication between friends when out for a drive or hike. Sent and received messages and images can be checked on the LOG List screen, with icons making them easy to distinguish.

Backtrack Function to Return to Departure Point

This function allows navigation back to the departure point, or a point previously added to the memory. When hiking or camping, just register the starting point or the position of your tent and then you can constantly check the direction and distance from your current position. The arrow of the compass display constantly shows the direction to the registered point, making it extremely convenient in finding your way back to the registered place – just move in the direction so that the arrow in the heading-up display points straight upward.

When using the handy speaker microphone camera (optional MH-85A11U), press the shutter button to capture a snapshot, then press the image transmit button to easily transmit the image data. The snapshot image or received data is stored in a high capacity micro SD card that is installed in the radio. You can recall and send that image data from the SD card anytime. The image data size is 320 x 240 dots or 160 x 120 dots. Image quality can set from 3 types, and you can choose a format that is suitable for the image and purpose. This image data also retains a time record and the GPS location data of the snapshot. It is easy to view and edit the data file after taking the pictures by using a personal computer. A snapshot aids in navigating and returning to the pictured location; other various uses are possible.

Automatic Mode Selection (AMS)

The Automatic Mode Select function detects the receive signal mode The transceiver automatically selects one of the four communication modes according to the signal received. This is extremely convenient when listening for communications, as you do not need to be aware of the other party’s communication mode. The transceiver can also be operated in a fixed communication mode.

Four (4) Communication Modes

The FT-2DR operates in one traditional analog mode and three digital modes! Enjoy communication in the mode that best suits your needs. purpose.

  • V/D Mode (Simultaneous Voice/Data Communication Mode) Half of the bandwidth is used for voice signal with error correction. The transceiver uses powerful error correction technology developed for professional communication devices. The very effective error correction code provides benefits such as minimal interruption of communication. The basic digital C4FM FDMA mode provides a good balance between sound quality and error correction.
  • Voice FR Mode (Voice Full Rate Mode) This mode uses the entire 12.5 kHz bandwidth to transmit digital voice data. The larger voice data size allows voice communication with high sound quality. Use this mode for pleasing sound quality communication between amateur radio friends.
  • Data FR Mode (High-speed Data Communication Mode) A high-speed data communication mode that uses the entire 12.5 kHz bandwidth for data communication. The transceiver automatically switches to this mode when sending and receiving images, allowing a large amount of data to be transmitted quickly.
  • Analog FM Mode Analog FM is effective for communication with a weak signal that causes voices to break up in the digital modes. The analog mode allows communication even at distances where noise and weak signals make communication almost impossible. The tried-and-trusted low-power circuit design uses less battery power than the digital modes.
5 Watts Solid RF Power

The FT-2DR outputs a maximum of 5 Watts of clean RF power, with selectable power-saving choices of 2 Watts, and ½ Watt also being available with a simple touch of the screen.

High Capacity Lithium-Ion Battery

With a high capacity 7.2v 2200 mAh battery pack (SBR-14LI) every operator can enjoy reduced charge time, and extended periods of talk time in between charging cycles.

Integrated 66ch High Sensativity GPS

Integral GPS receiver and antenna (located on top of the radio) provides location, time, direction and APRS® information. The FT-2DR has a very useful GPS data transmission capability.

Smart Navigation Function

This is a real-time navigation function that records the location and direction of Group Monitor (GM) stations. Digital V/D Mode communicates information such as position data at the same time as the voice signal, allowing you to view the distance and direction of the other party in real time while communicating. This makes it possible to confirm your position and the other party’s in situations such as hiking and driving where your positions are constantly changing, providing an easy way to meet up or join routes.


Frequency Ranges:

  • A(Main) Band
  • RX : 76 – 108 MHz (FM Broadcast) 108 – 137 MHz (Air Band)
  • RX : 0.5 – 1.8 MHz (AM Broadcast)
  • TX: 144 – 148 MHz, 430 – 450 MHz
  • 1.8 – 30 MHz (SW Band) 30 – 76 MHz (50 MHz HAM)
  • 137 – 174 MHz (144 MHz HAM) 174 – 222 MHz (VHF Band)
  • 222 – 420 MHz (GEN1) 420 – 470 MHz (430 MHz HAM)
  • 470 – 774 MHz (UHF Band) 774 – 999.90 MHz (GEN2)

B(Sub) Band

  • RX: 108 – 137 MHz (Air Band)
  • TX: 144 – 148 MHz, 430 – 450 MHz
  • 137 – 174 MHz (144 MHz HAM)
  • 174 – 222 MHz (VHF Band)
  • 222 – 420 MHz (GEN1)
  • 420 – 470 MHz (430 MHz HAM)
  • 470 – 580 MHz (UHF Band)

Circuit Type:

  • NFM/ AM:Double-Conversion Superheterodyne
  • FM /AM Radio: Direct-Conversion
  • Modulation Type: F1D, F2D, F3E, F7W
  • RF Power Output: 5 W (@ 7.4 V or EXT DC)
  • Channels: 1245
  • Waterproof Rating: IPX5
  • Case Size(W x H x D): 62 x 110 x 32.5 mm (w/ SBR-14LI, w/o Knob and Antenna)
  • 62 x 110 x 27 mm (w/o SBR-14LI, Knob and Antenna)
  • Weight: 310 g With SBR-14LI and Antenna
Related Files

Click here to be taken to the FT-2DR product page on the Yaesu website.



What is Repeater Rea

The program is using the Brandmeister „APIs“ for the Last Heard and GPS system similar to the Brandmeister website:https://brandmeister.network/ In other words, its using the same data source, the BM network (BM MQTT) but its not the same system, so if you see the website is working and RepeaterReader not its no indication that there is something wrong in the BM system.  RR (RepeaterReader) reads the data stream of both „streams“ and filter out all necessary data like the selected Talkgroups or the connected Reflector. From the technical point of view all the messages are MQTT messages in different topics.

But why do I need RR ? You don’t need it

I designed the program to see the traffic on the repeater even if the TRX is turned of like if you are at work.

RR has a sound notification (not the voice, only a sound) for all traffic or only for friends so you can let run it in the background. You can also minimize the program (ESC key) and let it stay on top (if configured) in a corner of your monitor.

For multimedia freaks: a KODI option is also included to send messages to KODI. So you can watch your movies and get the notification on the big screen . If you don’t know what KODI is just ignore this option

There is an extended log feature and a Chart feature, also a an option to send messages to telegram and a Web API to monitor the „trafic“ on your homepage:

What are the system requirements ?

The program is written in JAVA so it should run on all supported systems like WindowsLinux or MAC

You need the newest JAVA 8 version


Currently this is Version 8 Update 211

Make sure (during the installation of JAVA) that you only install JAVA (expert mode if available) because sometimes they want to install other software. (as far as I know)

If Repeater Reader is not starting or unable to connect de-install Java and perform a new installation.

Is there any support available ?

Support via Telegram Messenger (English)


You can download Telegram Messenger here:


Support via Facebook (English)



Τελευταίες αναβαθμίσεις software του XLX737


Πρόσφατα και μετά από τις τελευταίες αναβαθμίσεις του software του XLX737 reflector και τις απαιτούμενες ρυθμίσεις, προστέθηκε και η δυνατότητα χρήσης του σαν Ysfreflector με ID 22337.

Συνεπώς οι συνδεόμενοι στο module “C” του XLX737 με C4FM ενώνονται με το υπόλοιπο δίκτυο του Ysf που αποτελείται από τον Ysfreflector Hellas zone, το TG 20208 (για όσους συνδέονται μέσω DMR), το Wires-x repeater μέσω RF (επαναλήπτης SV1O 145762.5 MHz στο Λεκανοπέδιο Αθηνών και Πελοπόννησο) και μέσω του Wires-x room SZ1SV. Αν μετά την σύνδεση ενεργοποιήσουν το wires-x mode τότε μπορούν να επιλέξουν και να μεταβούν σε διαφορετικό module π.χ. “B”.

Εννοείται ότι στο module “C” του XLX737 μπορεί κανείς να συνδεθεί είτε μέσω Hot Spot είτε μέσω Repeater και στα 3 mode (DMR, DStar, YSF).
Επίσης στο module “Β” του XLX737 εξακολουθεί να λειτουργεί και το transcoder μεταξύ DStar<->DMR (TG20207).
Να σημειωθεί ότι οι δύο εκδόσεις του Ysfreflector (κανονικός και XLX) έχουν μικροδιαφορές μεταξύ τους.

Μία είναι ότι σε Ysf client που έχουν συνδεθεί στο ίδιο module του XLX δεν περνάνε GPS data μεταξύ τους σε αντίθεση με το κανονικό (Hellas Zone Ysf reflector) που περνάει φωνή και data κανονικά μεταξύ των client.

By Manos G Darkadakis SV1IW


What is WIRES-X?

WIRES (Wide-coverage

WIRES-X Features

WIRES-X supports the C4FM digital and the clear and crisp voice technology enables high sound quality. By repeating C4FM digital data as it is via the Internet, users can enjoy clear voice communications even if they are thousands of miles away each other. Utilizing the digital communication, the WIRES-X operation is simple, easy and user friendly. Varieties of the new functions as well as voice communications expands opportunities for enjoyment of ham station operation.

Smart Access Functions

WIRES-X automatically connects to nodes and rooms via the Internet. No more need to verify connection IDs or transmit cumbersome DTMF connection codes. Information about nodes and rooms is exchanged via C4FM Digital signaling. Thanks to automatic reconnection to the previous contact, all you need to do is press PTT and start talking. Easily search for new nodes and rooms, and initiate communication promptly when you find an ID that captures your interest.

Activity Monitor Function

Currently active nodes and rooms can be searched in real time, and viewed on the display of your transceiver. The display list is sorted according to the number of stations currently connected to the room, in other words by popularity. This lets you quickly find other active stations to communicate with. Node owners can freely create a room ID using letters and numbers. The ID works a bit like the name of a person. Easy to understand, meaningful names, unique names, memorable names… all are possible and can be used in a targeted search. A history of previous nodes and rooms, and a memory function with five categories makes it a snap to find and connect with a particular ID.

News Station Function

News bulletins (messages, images, voice memos) can be freely uploaded to nodes and rooms. Other users can download the saved news information. For example, sharing traffic information or other local news, or sending a snapshot of a meeting place to fellow operators, as well as a myriad of other uses are possible. It does not matter whether someone is nearby or in a country far away. WIRES-X offers a way to overcome barriers of distance, time, or even language. Welcome to a world of previously unheard-of possibilities for connecting and communicating by way of Amateur Radio and the internet.

Preset Search Function

Search and connect to local node stations with a simple button touch. The system will automatically obtain node station information and setup the required frequency and digital code parameters. Wherever there is a WIRES-X local node station that is reachable by Amateur radio, complicated connection operation steps are no longer necessary. Node station ID, city name, as well as distance and bearing are indicated on the display of the transceiver, and can be checked at a glance. * Now you can communicate worldwide with ease and confidence. (* Only if published by the node station)

Other Notable Features

Digital/Analog Mutual Communication

WIRES-X of course also supports traditional analog FM users. Not only can analog FM stations have a QSO with each other, WIRES-X also permits C4FM Digital stations to communicate with analog FM stations. WIRES-X is an FM friendly digital solution, because Amateur Radio should always allow operators to communicate freely all over the globe.

Node Setup Is Easy With WIRES-X

Establishing the connection between the HRI-200 and a computer is quick and simple, requiring only a single USB cable. Support for USB bus power means that an additional external power supply is not needed. Opening ports in the router also can be done with a simple setting in the WIRES-X software, using the UPnP function. (May not be supported by some routers.) Working your way through complicated router settings is a thing of the past.


Connect to NXDN Reflector via Pi-Star

How to connect to NX

Playing with Pi-Star: Pi-Star is great software for digital voice hotspots and repeaters. It can handle DMR, D-STAR, and YSF, as well as P25, NXDN, POCSAG, and some cross modes when used with a multi-mode digital voice modem that supports those modes!  

You can USE  TG202




Yaesu FT-70D

C4FM FDMA / FM 144/4

The new FT-70DR is a compact and very attractively priced YAESU System Fusion transceiver providing both conventional analog FM operation and the advanced C4FM Digital mode. The FT-70DR provides up to 5W of reliable RF power, and its large Front Speaker delivers 700mW of Loud Audio Output. Because C4FM has better BER (Bit Error Rate) characteristics than other digital modulations, the user can expect exceptional audio quality. The new digital FT-70DR includes our unique Automatic Mode Select (AMS) function. AMS detects the operating mode of the received signal as C4FM digital or analog FM, and then automatically and instantly switches the receiver to the appropriate mode. Users do not need to manually change between modes. The multi-colored LED Mode-Indicator displayed on the front allows the operator to easily see what mode the FT-70DR is in at any given moment. LED Mode-Indicator clearly and visibly shows the transmit/ receive mode by changing its color so that the operating mode of the transceiver is easily recognized at a glance. One of the other distinguishing features of the FT-70DR is Digital Group Monitor (GM) with DG-ID and DP-ID. DGID (Digital Group Identification) and DP-ID (Digital Personal Identification) are useful features now included in the FT-70DR, to simplify the GM operation. Simply put, the transceivers selecting the same DG-ID or DP-ID can communicate with each other. Between 00 and 99 DG-ID and DP-ID are selectable which provides loads of flexibility so that users can enjoy group communication with friends in GM mode in accordance to their individual operational needs.
Commercial Grade VHF / UHF
The FT-70DR is built to commercial grade standards, including the IP54 Rating for Dust and Water protection, making this radio suitable for operation in the harshest of environments.
Wide band receive coverage
108 MHz - 580 MHz, continuous reception for aircraft bands, public service channels, etc.
Versatile Scanning Capabilities
Programmable VFO Scan, scans all channels in the desired frequency range, Memory scan allows scanning of user selectable frequencies, Priority Channel Scan can be used to scan memory channels while making one channel a priority. Weather Alert scan alerts the user when severe weather is approaching.
Automatic Mode Select (AMS)
The Automatic Mode Select function detects the receive signal mode 
The transceiver automatically selects one of the four communication modes according to the signal received. This is extremely convenient when listening for communications, as you do not need to be aware of the other party’s communication mode. The transceiver can also be operated in a fixed communication mode.
More Advanced Features
Other advanced features include: External DC Jack for DC Supply Operation and to Charge the Battery, Mini USB 
port for convenient programming and software updates, CTCSS/ DCS Operation, Automatic Power Off (APO) 
feature, RF Squelch, Transmitter Time Out Timer (TOT) and Busy Channel Lock-Out (BCLO).

Yaesu FT3D

With the FT-3DE Yaes

The FT-3DE is a true dual-band device for VHF (144 MHz) and UHF (430MHz) with two receivers. I.e. you can receive two signals at the same time, also mixed digital/analog. The two radio bands can be combined at will (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V). In addition, the device is equipped with a broadband receiver from 500 kHz to 999 MHz (band A) or 108 to 580 MHz (band B). So you can comfortably listen to the radio while waiting for a call on the local repeater. The transmission power is max. 5 W, adjustable in 4 steps (0.3, 1, 2.5, 5 W).

As with all Yaesu C4FM 'System Fusion' radios, the FT-3DE can automatically distinguish between FM and C4FM incoming transmissions, so you don't miss a call. The FT-3DE is also particularly flexible when used as a mobile C4FM hotspot. With an optional cable set (SCU-39), the radio can be connected to a computer connected to the Internet. A radio cell for C4FM can be set up at its location (hotspot function, operation as an access point). This is very practical for fielddays or contests where several participants need access to the worldwide Wires-X network. The nice thing about it is that the FT-3DE can still be used as a radio while providing hotspot functions.

The very clearly readable colour LCD with 320x240 pixels is particularly striking. The screen is a touch panel which also serves as an input device. This reduces the number of traditional operating elements and simplifies handling. Two knobs at the top allow quick frequency selection and volume adjustment. The FT-3DE is also equipped with a GPS antenna and offers APRS functions. If desired, the device can also be used as a simple GPS tracker, i.e. only for recording a covered hiking trail. With C4FM, the position data is transmitted parallel to the voice signal and is used by the remote station to indicate direction and distance. This tactical display also works when receiving a C4FM signal with GPS information. The received data can be stored on an optionally available SD memory card in addition to the configuration of the device.

The built-in Bluetooth module is important for convenient, hands-free operation of the FT-3DE. With the optionally available BT headset SSM-BT10, you can make your hiking experience more comfortable while keeping the radio in your pocket or backpack. Vox operation is also possible, other compatible BT headsets can also be used.

  • Features
  • TFT Colour Display 320x240 px
  • Touch Display
  • 10 Control buttons, 2 knobs
  • Dual band function (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V)
  • Automatic Mode Selection FM/C4FM
  • Snapshot Function (with MH-85A11U)
  • Colour Bandscope
  • Wideband receiver 0.5-999 MHz
  • Built-in GPS receiver
  • 1200/9600bps APRS
  • Smart Navigation
  • 1245 Memories
  • 24 Memory banks
  • Up to 16 alpha.num. chars for memory names
  • Back-lit keys
  • Various scanner functions
  • Slot for optional Micro-SD memory
  • Waterprotection IPX5
  • GPS Data output
  • DC input
  • Included in shipment
  • Yaesu FT-3DE
  • Dual band antenna
  • SBR-14LI LiIon battery (2200mAh)
  • SAD-25 Charger
  • SBH-13 Belt Clip
  • PC cable USB A/Yaesu Data connector
  • Operating Manual

Yaesu FT2D

Lorem ipsum dolor si

Maecenas viverra faucibus eros, quis dapibus dui dictum non. Aliquam fermentum congue consectetur. Pellentesque sed libero urna. Suspendisse tristique mi viverra dignissim consectetur. Morbi eget scelerisque est. Integer viverra lectus orci, ut rhoncus lorem egestas id. Aenean lacus purus, dapibus at leo ut, eleifend euismod magna. Nulla egestas dapibus erat sit amet sodales. In augue ante, varius eu interdum et, pharetra sagittis massa.

Nulla lorem orci, vestibulum eu nibh in, dictum luctus nunc. Suspendisse sed metus id lectus euismod elementum. Duis vulputate rutrum urna at interdum. Mauris sit amet consectetur tortor. Cras ultrices maximus ante, vitae euismod lectus pharetra non. Nam laoreet metus lacinia dolor finibus lacinia. Proin quis felis odio. Nullam id risus pharetra, volutpat orci efficitur, efficitur velit. Aenean ut quam lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin enim enim, scelerisque eget placerat et, cursus quis elit. Curabitur in nisl consectetur turpis sollicitudin placerat eget a ipsum. Curabitur neque sapien, efficitur at interdum volutpat, dictum sit amet massa.

Suspendisse blandit elit et dolor sodales, eget sodales leo varius. Proin rhoncus rhoncus mollis. Praesent urna diam, suscipit in imperdiet quis, ornare non est. Donec quis condimentum diam, ac mollis quam. Cras varius lorem ut lorem dictum, quis tempus risus pellentesque. Nunc erat ligula, tempor eu hendrerit sed, efficitur sed magna. Integer at semper massa, id sollicitudin mi. Pellentesque id bibendum magna.


Vocoder Plugin for DroidStar


All platforms require imbe_vocoder library be built and available for the platform being built. The default Makefile is for a Linux PC. MacOS can also use this file, just comment out the linux line and use the darwin line. The Makefile.win for windows requires a static mingw32 compiler.


Location: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/

There are currently builds available for the following platforms:

  • Linux 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.linux.x86_64
  • Linux 32bit ARM platform (RaspiOS/Raspbian/etc): vocoder_plugin.linux.arm
  • MacOS 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.darwin.x86_64
  • Windows 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.winnt.x86_64
  • Android 32-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm
  • Android 64-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm64

Even though most RPis are arm64 architecture, the mainstream OS's are still 32 bit.

Loading a plugin on an Android device

  • Visit the following link in your web browser: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/
  • Press and hold the plugin for your device (arm or arm64)
  • Select 'Copy link address' from the popup menu
  • Open DroidStar and press and hold in the Vocoder URL field to paste the address
  • Press 'Download vocoder'

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS/Windows

You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you start DroidStar. You can also use the URL download option, but if a vocoder exists in the Download location, it will always overwrite the working copy

Vocoder Plugin for DroidStar


All platforms require imbe_vocoder library be built and available for the platform being built. The default Makefile is for a Linux PC. MacOS can also use this file, just comment out the linux line and use the darwin line. The Makefile.win for windows requires a static mingw32 compiler.


Location: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/

There are currently builds available for the following platforms:

  • Linux 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.linux.x86_64
  • Linux 32bit ARM platform (RaspiOS/Raspbian/etc): vocoder_plugin.linux.arm
  • MacOS 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.darwin.x86_64
  • Windows 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.winnt.x86_64
  • Android 32-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm
  • Android 64-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm64

Even though most RPis are arm64 architecture, the mainstream OS's are still 32 bit.

Loading a plugin on an Android device

  • Visit the following link in your web browser: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/
  • Press and hold the plugin for your device (arm or arm64)
  • Select 'Copy link address' from the popup menu
  • Open DroidStar and press and hold in the Vocoder URL field to paste the address
  • Press 'Download vocoder'

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS/Windows

You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you start DroidStar. You can also use the URL download option, but if a vocoder exists in the Download location, it will always overwrite the working copy

Yaesu FTM-500DE 144/430Mhz

We are pleased to announce the NEW Yaesu FTM-500D! 50W, C4FM/FM, 144/430MHz, Dual Band Digital Mobile Transceiver.


‐ Front Speaker, with AESS Dual Speaker System, Delivers Clear and High‐fidelity Audio
  (AESS: Acoustic Enhanced Speaker System)
‐ Total 9W (3W: Internal / 6W: Front panel) of Powerful Audio Output
‐ Innovative Smart Operating System "E2O‐IV" with Touch & Go / Search & Go Functions
  (E2O: Easy to Operate‐IV)
‐ 144MHz/430MHz: C4FM Digital / FM / AM (Air Band Receive)
‐ True Dual Band Operation, C4FM/C4FM Digital D‐D Dual Receive
‐ Advanced C4FM Digital Mode with AMS (Automatic Mode Select), DG‐ID feature and Smart Navigation
‐ 2.4‐inch High‐Resolution Full‐Colour Touch‐panel Display and Demountable Front Panel Controller
‐ Swing‐Head construction of the Front Panel improves display visibility: 20 degree upwards panel angle is     possible
‐ Optional Swing‐head Kit (SJMK‐500) allows the Flexible angle adjustment of the Front Control Panel
‐ Customized Function List (CFL) Display allows checking and immediately executing priority functions.
  (Up to 8 functions or settings from the set‐up menu can be registered.)
‐ MAG (Memory Auto Grouping) Function allows Memory channels to be automatically categorized in ALL, AIR     band, VHF band, UHF band and OTHER.
‐ VFO Band Skip Function
‐ Memory Channel Data Transfer to the VFO Register
‐ Single‐Touch Spectrum scope function: Instantly switches the operating screen between "Scope display     operation" and "Dual Receive operation" while in MAIN channel operation
‐ High speed Band Scope function
*up to 61 channels centered on the current frequency displayed in VFO mode and up to 21 channels of signal     information in memory channel mode
‐ 1104 Memory Channels including 5 "Home" channels, 50 sets of memories for programmable memory scan and 999 "Basic" memories.
‐ Built‐in 66ch High precision GPS receiver and External GPS device connectivity,
‐ 1200/9600bps APRS® Data Communication
‐ Wireless Operation Capability with a Bluetooth® Headset
‐ WiRES‐X Portable Digital Node or HRI‐200 Fixed Node capability
‐ Voice Recording of the received and transmitted audio
‐ 50W Stable High‐Power with Heavy Duty Heat Sin



Ο πομποδέκτης FTM-500DE με ισχύ 50W και αναλογική και ψηφιακή διαμόρφωση C4FM/FM καλύπτει τις ζώνες 144/430 MHz. Το FTM-500DE μοιράζεται τα προηγμένα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της YAESU και χρησιμοποιεί την τελευταία τεχνολογία C4FM Digital.

Διαθέτει μπροστινό μεγάφωνο με σύστημα διπλών ηχείων AESS* (AESS: Ακουστικό βελτιωμένο σύστημα ηχείων).

Ο ήχος του είναι καθαρός και ισχυρός ήχος υψηλής πιστότητας 9W, που παρέχεται από το μπροστινό μεγάφωνο 6W και το εσωτερικό ηχείο της κύριας μονάδας 3W.

To E2O-IV που διαθέτει είναι το καινοτόμο, έξυπνο λειτουργικό σύστημα με λειτουργίες TOUCH&GO / SEARCH&GO / PMG**.
**(PMG: Έλεγχος κύριας ομάδας μνήμης)

     Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά

  • 144 MHz, 430 MHz C4FM Ψηφιακό / FM / AM (Λήψη airband)
  • Πραγματική λειτουργία Dual Band, C4FM/C4FM Digital D-D Dual Receive
  • Προηγμένη ψηφιακή λειτουργία C4FM με AMS (Αυτόματη επιλογή λειτουργίας), δυνατότητα DG-ID και Έξυπνη πλοήγηση
  • Έγχρωμη αποσπώμενη οθόνη αφής 2,4 ιντσών υψηλής ανάλυσης
  • Ο οθόνη είναι ρυθμιζόμενης γωνίας θέασης που βελτιώνει την ορατότητα της
  • Λειτουργία απεικόνισης εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με το ακουστικό Bluetooth®Το προαιρετικό κιτ κεφαλής κεφαλής (SJMK-500) επιτρέπει την ευέλικτη ρύθμιση γωνίας του μπροστινού πίνακα ελέγχου
  • Η οθόνη προσαρμοσμένης λίστας λειτουργιών (CFL) επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο και την άμεση εκτέλεση λειτουργιών προτεραιότητας. (Μπορούν να καταχωρηθούν έως και 8 λειτουργίες ή ρυθμίσεις από το μενού ρυθμίσεων.)
  • Η λειτουργία MAG (Αυτόματη ομαδοποίηση μνήμης) επιτρέπει στα κανάλια μνήμης να κατηγοριοποιούνται αυτόματα σε ALL, ζώνη AIR, ζώνη VHF, ζώνη UHF και άλλα.
  • Λειτουργία παράλειψης ζώνης VFO
  • Μεταφορά δεδομένων καναλιού μνήμης στο VFO
  • Λειτουργία εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα: Εναλλάσσει άμεσα την οθόνη λειτουργίας μεταξύ "Λειτουργία εμφάνισης εύρους" και "Λειτουργία διπλής λήψης" ενώ βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία ΚΥΡΙΟΥ καναλιού
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας. Εμφανίζει έως 61 κανάλια με κέντρο την τρέχουσα συχνότητα που εμφανίζεται στη λειτουργία VFO και έως 21 κανάλια πληροφοριών σήματος στη λειτουργία καναλιού μνήμης
  • 1104 κανάλια μνήμης, συμπεριλαμβανομένων 5 καναλιών "Home", 50 σετ μνήμες για προγραμματιζόμενη σάρωση μνήμης και 999 "Βασικές" μνήμες.
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS,
  • Επικοινωνία δεδομένων APRS® 1200/9600bps
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με ακουστικό Bluetooth®
  • Δυνατότητα φορητού ψηφιακού κόμβου WiRES-X ή σταθερού κόμβου HRI-200
  • Ηχογράφηση φωνής του λαμβανόμενου και μεταδιδόμενου ήχου
  • 50W σταθερή υψηλής ισχύος με ψύκτρα βαρέως τύπου και FACC (Funnel Air-Convection Conductor) *Επιλέξιμο 50W / 25W / 5W
  • Υποδοχή κάρτας Micro SD (έως 32 GB)

Yaesu FTM-500DE 144/430Mhz

We are pleased to announce the NEW Yaesu FTM-500D! 50W, C4FM/FM, 144/430MHz, Dual Band Digital Mobile Transceiver.


‐ Front Speaker, with AESS Dual Speaker System, Delivers Clear and High‐fidelity Audio
  (AESS: Acoustic Enhanced Speaker System)
‐ Total 9W (3W: Internal / 6W: Front panel) of Powerful Audio Output
‐ Innovative Smart Operating System "E2O‐IV" with Touch & Go / Search & Go Functions
  (E2O: Easy to Operate‐IV)
‐ 144MHz/430MHz: C4FM Digital / FM / AM (Air Band Receive)
‐ True Dual Band Operation, C4FM/C4FM Digital D‐D Dual Receive
‐ Advanced C4FM Digital Mode with AMS (Automatic Mode Select), DG‐ID feature and Smart Navigation
‐ 2.4‐inch High‐Resolution Full‐Colour Touch‐panel Display and Demountable Front Panel Controller
‐ Swing‐Head construction of the Front Panel improves display visibility: 20 degree upwards panel angle is     possible
‐ Optional Swing‐head Kit (SJMK‐500) allows the Flexible angle adjustment of the Front Control Panel
‐ Customized Function List (CFL) Display allows checking and immediately executing priority functions.
  (Up to 8 functions or settings from the set‐up menu can be registered.)
‐ MAG (Memory Auto Grouping) Function allows Memory channels to be automatically categorized in ALL, AIR     band, VHF band, UHF band and OTHER.
‐ VFO Band Skip Function
‐ Memory Channel Data Transfer to the VFO Register
‐ Single‐Touch Spectrum scope function: Instantly switches the operating screen between "Scope display     operation" and "Dual Receive operation" while in MAIN channel operation
‐ High speed Band Scope function
*up to 61 channels centered on the current frequency displayed in VFO mode and up to 21 channels of signal     information in memory channel mode
‐ 1104 Memory Channels including 5 "Home" channels, 50 sets of memories for programmable memory scan and 999 "Basic" memories.
‐ Built‐in 66ch High precision GPS receiver and External GPS device connectivity,
‐ 1200/9600bps APRS® Data Communication
‐ Wireless Operation Capability with a Bluetooth® Headset
‐ WiRES‐X Portable Digital Node or HRI‐200 Fixed Node capability
‐ Voice Recording of the received and transmitted audio
‐ 50W Stable High‐Power with Heavy Duty Heat Sin



Ο πομποδέκτης FTM-500DE με ισχύ 50W και αναλογική και ψηφιακή διαμόρφωση C4FM/FM καλύπτει τις ζώνες 144/430 MHz. Το FTM-500DE μοιράζεται τα προηγμένα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της YAESU και χρησιμοποιεί την τελευταία τεχνολογία C4FM Digital.

Διαθέτει μπροστινό μεγάφωνο με σύστημα διπλών ηχείων AESS* (AESS: Ακουστικό βελτιωμένο σύστημα ηχείων).

Ο ήχος του είναι καθαρός και ισχυρός ήχος υψηλής πιστότητας 9W, που παρέχεται από το μπροστινό μεγάφωνο 6W και το εσωτερικό ηχείο της κύριας μονάδας 3W.

To E2O-IV που διαθέτει είναι το καινοτόμο, έξυπνο λειτουργικό σύστημα με λειτουργίες TOUCH&GO / SEARCH&GO / PMG**.
**(PMG: Έλεγχος κύριας ομάδας μνήμης)

     Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά

  • 144 MHz, 430 MHz C4FM Ψηφιακό / FM / AM (Λήψη airband)
  • Πραγματική λειτουργία Dual Band, C4FM/C4FM Digital D-D Dual Receive
  • Προηγμένη ψηφιακή λειτουργία C4FM με AMS (Αυτόματη επιλογή λειτουργίας), δυνατότητα DG-ID και Έξυπνη πλοήγηση
  • Έγχρωμη αποσπώμενη οθόνη αφής 2,4 ιντσών υψηλής ανάλυσης
  • Ο οθόνη είναι ρυθμιζόμενης γωνίας θέασης που βελτιώνει την ορατότητα της
  • Λειτουργία απεικόνισης εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με το ακουστικό Bluetooth®Το προαιρετικό κιτ κεφαλής κεφαλής (SJMK-500) επιτρέπει την ευέλικτη ρύθμιση γωνίας του μπροστινού πίνακα ελέγχου
  • Η οθόνη προσαρμοσμένης λίστας λειτουργιών (CFL) επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο και την άμεση εκτέλεση λειτουργιών προτεραιότητας. (Μπορούν να καταχωρηθούν έως και 8 λειτουργίες ή ρυθμίσεις από το μενού ρυθμίσεων.)
  • Η λειτουργία MAG (Αυτόματη ομαδοποίηση μνήμης) επιτρέπει στα κανάλια μνήμης να κατηγοριοποιούνται αυτόματα σε ALL, ζώνη AIR, ζώνη VHF, ζώνη UHF και άλλα.
  • Λειτουργία παράλειψης ζώνης VFO
  • Μεταφορά δεδομένων καναλιού μνήμης στο VFO
  • Λειτουργία εύρους φάσματος με ένα άγγιγμα: Εναλλάσσει άμεσα την οθόνη λειτουργίας μεταξύ "Λειτουργία εμφάνισης εύρους" και "Λειτουργία διπλής λήψης" ενώ βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία ΚΥΡΙΟΥ καναλιού
  • Λειτουργία Band Scope υψηλής ταχύτητας. Εμφανίζει έως 61 κανάλια με κέντρο την τρέχουσα συχνότητα που εμφανίζεται στη λειτουργία VFO και έως 21 κανάλια πληροφοριών σήματος στη λειτουργία καναλιού μνήμης
  • 1104 κανάλια μνήμης, συμπεριλαμβανομένων 5 καναλιών "Home", 50 σετ μνήμες για προγραμματιζόμενη σάρωση μνήμης και 999 "Βασικές" μνήμες.
  • Ενσωματωμένος δέκτης GPS υψηλής ακρίβειας 66 καναλιών και συνδεσιμότητα εξωτερικής συσκευής GPS,
  • Επικοινωνία δεδομένων APRS® 1200/9600bps
  • Δυνατότητα ασύρματης λειτουργίας με ακουστικό Bluetooth®
  • Δυνατότητα φορητού ψηφιακού κόμβου WiRES-X ή σταθερού κόμβου HRI-200
  • Ηχογράφηση φωνής του λαμβανόμενου και μεταδιδόμενου ήχου
  • 50W σταθερή υψηλής ισχύος με ψύκτρα βαρέως τύπου και FACC (Funnel Air-Convection Conductor) *Επιλέξιμο 50W / 25W / 5W
  • Υποδοχή κάρτας Micro SD (έως 32 GB)


Icom IC-705 is a brand new SDR QRP for HF/50/144/430MHz

It can be powered by battery (BP-272 same as e.g. ID-51) & gives a maximum of 5W, in external operation (13.8v) the radio gives max 10W.
Size 20cm wide, 8cm high & 8.5cm deep, weight about 1kg without battery.

HF/50/144/430 MHz Multimode Operation
From HF to 50/144/430 MHz, you can enjoy a variety of bands in D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, AM and FM modes. The IC-705 receives continuously from 30 kHz through the 144 MHz band. You can also enjoy FM broadcast and Airband reception.

RF Direct Sampling System
The IC-705 uses the RF direct sampling method* matured in the IC-7300, IC-7610, and IC-9700. This method greatly reduces distortion. The high speed /high resolution real-time spectrum scope and waterfall display are incorporated in a compact design for the first time in this class.
* Down-conversion IF sampling method for 25 MHz and above

Real-Time Spectrum Scope and Waterfall Display
The IC-705 inherits the performance and functions of the highly-acclaimed IC-7300 and IC-9700 scopes. You can visually figure out the band condition and check clear frequencies. It takes you to the next level beyond traditional field operation.

Large Touch Screen Colour Display
The large 4.3 inch colour TFT touch LCD is the same size as the IC-7300 and IC-9700. It offers intuitive operation of the IC-705’s functions, settings, and various operational visual aids, such as the band scope, waterfall, and audio scope functions.

Compact and Lightweight Design
“Base station radio” performance and functions are packaged in a compact size of approximately 20 cm, 7.9 in (W) × 8.35 cm, 3.3 in (H) × 8.2 cm, 3.2 in (D). The weight is approximately 1.1 kg (including BP-272). Its compact and lightweight design enables you to hold it with one hand.

BP-272 Li-ion Battery Pack or 13.8 V DC External Power Supply
The IC-705 utilises the high capacity Li-Ion battery from the ID-51A and ID-31A handheld radios. A 13.8 V DC external power supply can be used for operation and charging of the BP-272.

Maximum Output Power 5 W (BP-272), 10 W (13.8 V DC)

In portable mode, the IC-705 has a maximum output power of 5 W from the BP-272 which can last approx. 3 hours*. This is perfect for true 5 W QRP as well as the 0.5 W QRPp operations. Once you setup with a 13.8 V DC power source, you have up to 10 W.
* TX : RX : standby = 1 : 1 : 8 (The Power Save function ON, in the FM mode)

Supports Connections Using WLAN/Bluetooth® Technologies
Utilises WLAN/Bluetooth® technologies for linking and remote control*. The VS-3 headset (optional) enables more comfortable operation via Bluetooth®
* Those features will be available with future firmware upgrades.

GPS Functions
An internal GPS receiver and antenna enhance your operations by providing location logging*, RX/TX locations via D-PRS®, “Near Me” repeater search/scan, QSO recording with metadata*, and internal clock synchronization.
* Micro SD required

microSD Card Slot
The microSD card slot enables the storage of user-profiles, QSO recording, TX voice memory keyer, RTTY logging, GPS data, screen capture, firmware upgrades, and programming.
* microSD card is not supplied.

Micro USB Connector
In addition to audio and rig control, the micro USB port allows charging capability, making digital modes easy with minimal cables.

D-STAR Functions
Enjoy the latest G3 Gateway and DV mode features with the IC-705. Have direct access to the D-STAR network with Terminal/Access point modes. Additionally, the IC-705 has the Photo Share feature introduced with the IC-9700. Share photos, without the need of a computer with other users with an IC-705 and IC-9700.

Programmable Speaker/Microphone

Enjoy portable operations with the supplied HM-243, programmable speaker/microphone. Perfect for operation with the IC-705 safely secured in the optional LC-192 backpack. User assignable buttons put functions like frequency and volume adjustments at the tip of your fingers, without removing your backpack.

Optional LC-192 Backpack, Ideal for Field Operations
Designed to be the "Ultimate", must have accessory for the IC-705, the LC-192 is the perfect utility backpack. Features like a safety strap, with a 1/4”-20 mounting lug to keep the IC-705 from accidentally falling out of the custom radio compartment to the user-adjustable internal panels for custom compartments for antennas, battery packs, or other items necessary for an afternoon SOTA activation.


  • HF/50/144/430 MHz Multimode Operation
  • RF Direct Sampling System
  • Real-Time Spectrum Scope and Waterfall Display
  • Large Touch Screen Colour Display
  • Compact and Lightweight Design
  • BP-272 Li-ion Battery Pack or 13.8 V DC External Power Supply
  • Maximum Output Power 5 W (BP-272), 10 W (13.8 V DC)
  • Supports Connections Using WLAN/Bluetooth® Technologies
  • GPS Functions
  • microSD Card Slot
  • Micro USB Connector
  • D-STAR Functions
  • Programmable Speaker/Microphone
  • Optional LC-192 Backpack, Ideal for Field Operations


Από HF έως 50/144/430 MHz, μπορείτε να απολαύσετε μια ποικιλία ζωνών σε λειτουργίες D-STAR DV, SSB, CW, RTTY, AM και FM. Το IC-705 λαμβάνει συνεχώς από τη ζώνη των 30 kHz έως τα 144 MHz. Μπορείτε επίσης να απολαύσετε εκπομπές FM και over-the-air λήψη. 

Το IC-705 χρησιμοποιεί ένα σύστημα άμεσης δειγματοληψίας RF, όπου τα σήματα RF μετατρέπονται απευθείας σε ψηφιακά δεδομένα. Στη συνέχεια υποβάλλεται σε επεξεργασία στο FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), το οποίο καθιστά δυνατή την απλοποίηση του σχεδιασμού του κυκλώματος και τη μείωση του εσωτερικού θορύβου που μπορεί να κρύψει τα ασθενή σήματα. 

Οι επιδόσεις που παρατηρούνται με τα πεδία IC-7300 και IC-9700 είναι στο άκρο των δακτύλων για λειτουργία πεδίου. Μπορείτε να δείτε γρήγορα τη δραστηριότητα της ζώνης καθώς και να βρείτε μια καθαρή συχνότητα, όλα στο συμπαγές ραδιόφωνο και όχι ως ακριβό πρόσθετο. 

Χρησιμοποιεί την μπαταρία Li-ion υψηλής χωρητικότητας από τα φορητά ραδιόφωνα ID-51E και ID-31E. 
Μια εξωτερική πηγή τροφοδοσίας 13,8 V DC μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη λειτουργία και τη φόρτιση του BP-307. 

Σε φορητή λειτουργία, το IC-705 έχει τη μέγιστη ισχύ εξόδου 5 W από το BP-307, η οποία μπορεί να διαρκέσει περίπου 4,5 ώρες*. Αυτό είναι τέλειο για αληθινή λειτουργία QRP 5W καθώς και για λειτουργία QRPp 0,5W. Μόλις εγκατασταθεί με πηγή τροφοδοσίας 13,8 V DC, έχετε έως και 10 W.


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