Vocoder Plugin for DroidStar

This is an AMBE vocoder plugin based on mbelib and the OP25 AMBE encoder. The makefiles create a shared object for various platforms that can be loaded via dlopen() (LoadLibrary on Windows).


All platforms require imbe_vocoder library be built and available for the platform being built. The default Makefile is for a Linux PC. MacOS can also use this file, just comment out the linux line and use the darwin line. The Makefile.win for windows requires a static mingw32 compiler.


Location: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/

There are currently builds available for the following platforms:

  • Linux 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.linux.x86_64
  • Linux 32bit ARM platform (RaspiOS/Raspbian/etc): vocoder_plugin.linux.arm
  • MacOS 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.darwin.x86_64
  • Windows 64bit x86 platform: vocoder_plugin.winnt.x86_64
  • Android 32-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm
  • Android 64-bit ARM: vocoder_plugin.android.arm64

Even though most RPis are arm64 architecture, the mainstream OS's are still 32 bit.

Loading a plugin on an Android device

  • Visit the following link in your web browser: http://pizzanbeer.net/plugins/
  • Press and hold the plugin for your device (arm or arm64)
  • Select 'Copy link address' from the popup menu
  • Open DroidStar and press and hold in the Vocoder URL field to paste the address
  • Press 'Download vocoder'

Loading a plugin on Linux/MacOS/Windows

You can place the correct plugin in your ~/Downloads folder and DroidStar will copy it to the config directory where settings and host files are located. Once it has been copied, you can remove it from the Downloads folder. If you leave it in the Downloads folder, it will be re-copied every time you start DroidStar. You can also use the URL download option, but if a vocoder exists in the Download location, it will always overwrite the working copy

vcoder For ios
I was searching today and found this for ios https://testflight.apple.com/join/bYvpb8nG and i was looking for the vcoder and all you got here does not work on ios. I know maybe this app on iPhone is new and in testing mode but need vcoder to can work. Thanks Ruben
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