HELLAS Zone Cookie Policy!

This policy details how HELLAS Zone  uses cookies and cookie–like files and technologies on the websites, e.g.

Local Shared Objects, also known as “Flash cookies”, web beacons etc. We refer to these generically as “cookies”. As further described below, DigitalRoute uses cookies to improve the usability of our websites as well as making our services more relevant to our users. The use of cookies is only allowed with the consent of the users. Such consent can be collected in different ways but needs to be freely given, specified and informed for each case of processing.All users shall be free to choose whether or not they want to accept or deny the use of cookies. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the user gets rid of all the ads, it may however make the ads less relevant for the user as they are not based on the user itself, nor its personal data. In your browser security settings, you can adjust what cookies you want to accept, block or delete. Denying all or certain cookies may result in a more limited experience of some of the services offered on the website.

What are cookies and how do they work?
Cookies are small files that are sent to and stored on your computer by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory. Next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website or element that originally set the cookie. To learn more about these technologies and how they work, please see e.g.allaboutcookies.org.

Why does Hellas Zone cookies? 
We use cookies to offer you a smoother and more personalized experience. View your options for managing cookies in the next chapter.

Basic functions: These cookies are essential for running our web sites and are the key to providing you a seamless experience. You can navigate uninterrupted e.g. by remembering choices you’ve made and by preserving authentication to secure parts of the domain

Site improvement: These cookies enable us to improve our websites by looking at how they are used. We do analytical to understand e.g. unique users reading a particular article (to know what is popular) or if a video file was viewed or abandoned halfwaythrough. We also look at where content is accessed so we know how to arrange our sites for optimal user experience. We count clicks on “Like” and “Tweet” plugins and what content from our sites was shared or referenced.

Personalization: These cookies help make the content as personalized as possible, for example by showing you targeted banners and relevant recommendations. We examine what type of reference was used to reach our sites, e.g. an email campaign or a link from a referral site, so we can estimate the effectiveness of our promotions and advertising campaigns.

How can I manage cookies?
You can review the options available to manage cookiesin your browser. The browser can be used to manage cookies relating to basic functions, site improvement, personalization and advertising. Different browsers use different ways to disable cookies, but they are usually found under a Tools or Options menu. You can also consult the browser’s help menu. In addition to cookie management, browsers usually let you control files similar to cookies, for example Local Shared Objects, e.g. by enabling the browser’s privacy mode.DigitalRoute uses third party advertising cookies to promote its products. You may be able to opt-out from certain third party managed advertising cookies through third party cookie management sites, such asHubspot,Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Adobe Flash,Linkedin.Disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain parts of DigitalRoute’swebsite. If you delete your cookies from the browser, you may need to remember to re-install opt-out cookies.

How long do we keep the information?
It depends based on the type of cookies. Session cookies expire when you close the browser.Persistent cookies, including Local Shared Objects (“Flash cookies”), have typical expiration dates ranging from two months up to a couple of years.

What else should you know?
In addition to collecting data on the web domains, DigitalRoute collects other types of information as described in the DigitalRoute’s Data Privacy Policy. DigitalRoute may from time to time change this Policy. However, if this Policy is changed in a material, adverse way, DigitalRoute will post a notice advising of such change at the beginning of this Policy and on this site’s home page. We recommendthat youre-visit this Policy from time to time to learn of any such changes to this Policy.

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